Posterzine® #01: 85 years of Blue Note Records - feat. Joe Henderson by Francis Wolff A1 poster


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Issue 1 of the Everything Jazz Posterzine® celebrates the illustrious story of Blue Note Records and includes an exclusive A1 poster featuring a dynamic photograph of the legendary Joe Henderson shot by equally legendary Francis Wolff.

Inside the Zine: Illustrator Patch D Keyes has created a ‘Family Constellation’ to honour some of the key figures from Blue Note’s starry history. Daniel Spicer selects five key progressive post-bop albums and, Stephan Kunze talks with “Tone Poet” Joe Harley about the magic of Rudy Van Gelder, the recording engineer who revolutionised the sound of jazz.

The Everything Jazz Posterzine® folds out from an A4 zine filled with stories and images, into an exclusive A1 poster. It is the only poster in the world registered with the British Library as a magazine.

Words by Freya Hellier, Stephan Kunze and Daniel Spicer.
Photography by Francis Wolff / Blue Note Records.
Design and production by Verity Roberts and Posterzine®.
Thanks to our partners at Posterzine®!